The Values in Which We Believe

Authenticity — We value the authentic discovery of ourselves and the other. Why do we dance? “There is a dance only you can do, that exists only in you, here and now, always changing, always true. Are you willing to listen with fascination? If you are, it will deliver you unto the self you have always dreamed you could be. This is a promise.” ~ Gabrielle Roth

Respect — The practice of building awareness, specifically through Conscious Dance, is a deeply personal experience, often practiced with others in community. As such, at RhythmWave, self-respect is at the heart of authentic, respectful connection to each other. By appreciating our strengths and accepting our vulnerabilities, we can truly begin to respect and value those of another. By respecting the practice, boundaries, and experience of another, we can truly begin to appreciate our own.

Inclusion — Anyone and everyone is welcome at RhythmWave. No prerequisites exist in our community or for any of our public offerings. There is no right or wrong in Conscious Dance when practiced with awareness, and no limitations based on body type or physical fitness. RhythmWave invites, welcomes, and respects all those who may be otherwise excluded or marginalized. We dance together, we may dance by ourselves… but we never dance alone.

Safety — While Conscious Dance practitioners are ultimately responsible for their own safety, RhythmWave is committed to providing a safe “container” (practice space) in which every participant’s physical, emotional, mental, and expressive safety is valued and respected equally. RhythmWave facilitators will work to both prioritize and truly value the safety of their participants. Ideally, all participants at RhythmWave will (1) feel safe to engage in their practice, and (2) value and respect the safety of all other participants.

Expression — At RhythmWave, we have witnessed self-expression, arising from individuality and uniqueness, offered as a gift to others. RhythmWave values all forms of self-expression (1) when offered with intention and awareness and, (2) in the spirit of consent, when the “giver” respects the rights and liberties of the “recipient”. We believe that transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can and does occur through the medium and practice of deeply personal self-expression.

+1 = Consent — (FRIES) : Freely given. Reversible. Informed. Enthusiastic. Specific.

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